The Healing Service

This group is performing a healing service in the form of the ritual that was created in the beginning of the last century under the guidance of the Sufi Hazrat Inayat Khan. It has been done by the Sufi mureeds ever since, first in Europe and later in the US, and now all around the world.

The Healing Service has been the main focus of the Dervish Healing Order  from the moment of its creation.

During this ritual, the conductor focuses the group to direct the Shafiya, the healing energy, towards those who have asked to be put on the healing list, and who are not present during the ritual itself.

Participation in the healing group requires training, and conducting of this ritual is done by the Sufi (Healing Order) initiates. If you are interested in joining this group, please get in touch with me via email.

You are welcome to submit a name – yours or someone else’s – to be included into the ritual, given that the person is definitely aware of that and agreeing/requesting it. This ritual is not an efficient tool to use to send healing to those who have not asked; sending your healing thoughts would do better.

If you have questions on any of the above, feel free to send me a message HERE

Why-s and How-s of the Healing Ritual

The recording of this session is available by request.

A session for the conductors of the Absent Healing Ritual and participants of the healing groups.  

Zoom meetings schedule

All sessions begin at 5pm UK  –

9am PDT, 10am MDT, 11am CDT, 12pm EDT, 18.00 Germany, 19.00 MCK

Next meeting: Friday, August 9