In the Rose Garden

Meetings for Sufi meditation, self-discovery, and healing

In all different purposes which we see working through each individual, there seems to be one purpose which is behind them all, and that is the unfoldment of the soul.

— Sufi Hazrat Inayat Khan

news & updates


Next Healing Ritual online: Friday, August 9 at 5pm UK – More information here


New! My blog post pageMusings — is live! Check it out here


Rose Garden Coaching


Intuitive and emotional freedom coaching for hope, strength, confidence, and joy

Go here for all private sessions with me

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Request healing

Submit your request for healing for our Sufi Healing Ritual.

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Sufi meditation in a small group. Ask questions, discover what works for you.

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Enhance your practice

Join a regular meditation group: find the group that suits your level of experience.

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Become happier

Let go of the old patterns that hold you hostage to your “story” and live your life with confidence, clarity,  and joy.

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Welcome! I am Natalia Nur Jahan,  a meditation teacher, a spiritual mentor and a coach.

It is my biggest joy to help people bring more light, ease, and wonder into their lives. I do this through teaching Sufi classes, through serving as a ‘healing conductor’ during the Absent Healing Ritual, and I aim to do the same in my one-on-one work as an intuitive and spiritual coach.

The more light we are able to embody in our life, the better our life becomes — perhaps not necessarily on the surface of it (although, if we learn to operate our mind as intended, that also happens) but in all that really matters to our soul.

I first began working as a transpersonal psychotherapy practitioner and then also as a life-coach in the 90s. In the later years my work became more and more that of a Sufi guide, and of a spiritual coach. I continue my Sufi studies to this day, and also learn from mystics from different traditions or none, including many talented psychics.

In one-on-one work I combine my skills in coaching, transpersonal psychotherapy and NLP with the Sufi insight into the human nature and laws of the human development.

Group Meditations

We have meetings taking place on different days of the week, and both beginners and experienced meditators can find a group that is the most suitable for them. Do not hesitate to get in touch.

meditation and sufi practice

Regular group with meditations from different traditions, and Sufi practices





Meditation and healing group

Sufi spoken and chanted practices and breathing exercises





sending light into the winter

Weekly meditation and prayer group for experienced   practitioners.





Emotional Healing

When we begin our exploration of spirituality, we often have the idea that it will “fix” our so-called normal life: *at least* our relationships, perhaps even, to some degree, our health; less frequently (especially in the Christian world) we expect it to help us with money.

And particularly in the beginning, when we are fuelled with enthusiasm and seem to glide through things that were difficult before, our assumption rings true.

Scroll forward a few months, or even years – when we have become a mature “traveller” on a (whichever) path – and it is only too often that we find that while things did change comparing to where we were “before,” we are still stuck in something or other.

And those stuck places keep us anchored to the “old me” kind of energy. We feel we are no longer quite that person, and yet… we keep acting as one, or getting life’s “gifts” addressed to what we insist is a completely outdated model of ourselves.

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